How to prevent your WhatsApp account to Hackers?

WhatsApp account to Hackers

Instant messaging increases your risk of hacking into WhatsApp. In such a situation, users need to be more vigilant about security and privacy. However, the company is trying to protect user accounts from hackers. For some time now, Pegasus-related spyware has surfaced, making it necessary to secure user accounts. Not only that, some time ago, the phone of Amazon owner Jeff Bezos was also used to hack.

Follow these steps to keep WhatsApp secure

You should have heard about 2-step verification of WhatsApp. You can protect your account by activating it. In such a case, every time you log into your account or try to play it on another phone, you will need to enter the 6-digit PIN Code.WhatsApp account to Hackers
Do a two-step scan like this:

  • To do this, you must go to WhatsApp settings.
  • After that, you need to go to the account section and click on the 2-step verification option.
  • You should now enter the 6-digit PIN code.Verification 6-PIN Code whatsapp
  • After confirming, you will need to enter your email id verification

Things to note: Please note that you enter the email address with carefully, because if you forget your PIN code, verification will be sent to your WhatsApp. In such case, if you entered the wrong email, you will not be able to reset your account if you forget the PIN.

Fingerprint blocking will also help you

WhatsApp introduced the fingerprint feature last year. With this function, you can put fingerprints on your WhatsApp account. To activate it, you need access to the account option listed in the settings. Then click on Privacy. Here you will have the option of fingerprint lock. Turn it on. After that, your fingerprint lock will be installed on your WhatsApp.

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